India extended a lockdown on its 1.3 billion people until at least May 3 this week as the country’s coronavirus cases increased dramatically. While those working in the logistics industry are considered essential, many are working from home. For those required on-site, lack of public transportation availability, state border closures and curfews have made it difficult for workers to report to the job. As a result, the logistics industry is experiencing significant delays.
Mallory Alexander has received the following update from our global partners on the logistics conditions in India:
- Carriers continue to announce blank sailings and vessel delays. Port operations continue to be delayed due to berthing delays. Some carriers’ staff are opening offices on alternating days to facilitate the release of bills of lading and issue delivery orders.
- Few freighters are operating. Few airlines have announced ad hoc freighter shipments to offer more capacity. Airports continue to work with limited staff.
- Container freight stations continue to be congested due to importers not taking deliveries of discharged containers.
- Most truckers are unable to accept orders due to the lack of availability of drivers. Those that are working are only picking up essential commodities at this time. Authorities are preparing to assist truckers to return to work from outside areas once the lockdown is lifted.
- General storage warehouses are also congested due to lack of availability of forklift drivers, crane operators, etc.
Source: Mallory Alexander Global Network