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Examples of Recent Shipments Mallory Alexander Logistics has helped deliver around the world.

Turbine Generator

Mallory Group’s Project Cargo Services recently achieved a remarkable feat, orchestrating the seamless transport of a colossal 137 MT Turbine Generator Set from Antwerp, Belgium, to Courtice, Ontario. With meticulous planning, expertise, and a global network, Mallory Group ensured the safe and efficient movement of this massive cargo. Their dedicated team managed every aspect of this intricate operation, from logistics and heavy-lift solutions to customs clearance. This successful project exemplifies Mallory Group’s commitment to delivering innovative and reliable solutions for oversized and heavy equipment transportation, solidifying their reputation as a leading force in the world of specialized cargo logistics.
Port of Loading: Antwerp, Belgium
Destination: Courtice, Ontario
Weight: 137
Units of Weight: MT
Width: 13.4m
Height: 3.8m
Width: 13.4m
Length: 4.6m

Recent Projects

Bay of Campeche

Bay of Campeche

Mallory Alexander Logistics, with their exceptional Project Cargo Services, recently executed a complex operation, successfully transporting critical Oil Modules from Ingleside, Texas, to the challenging Bay of Campeche in the Gulf of Mexico. This achievement...

Korean Oil Modules

Korean Oil Modules

Mallory Alexander Logistics' Project Cargo Services recently executed a remarkable operation, successfully transporting massive Oil Modules with a staggering overall volume of 13,000 RT, in addition to 74 FCL shipments, from New Ulsan, Korea to Lloydminster,...

Water Treatment Equipment

Water Treatment Equipment

Mallory Group's Project Cargo Services excels once again, executing a flawless operation to transport a substantial 37 MT Water Treatment Equipment from Taicang, China, to Port Mellon, British Columbia. Their expertise in handling heavy and oversized cargo is...